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The True Meaning of Superstar Strings

      Welcome my friends to the wonderful world of the one and only Superstar Strings. My name is Brandon Hillary, President & CEO of Superstar Strings. This business was created with a love and a passion for the creative art of music. Music has always been a more inspirational feat to me for over 9 years. After graduating high school, I knew that I could do something with the master skills that I had earned. Superstar Strings is a way of opening a door to the community, teaching the world that music comes in several different varieties, other than what they hear on the streets. 


      What our program has to offer is the ultimate experience in the art of the strings or any form of music you'd prefer. We offer lessons for instrumental practice, music interpretation, and even harmonic/melodious tutoring. So many opportunities to choose from, and the best part: it's anywhere, anytime. Need more information, give me a call (description in the contacts tab) and set up your very first an best appointment today.

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